Pembroke Chamber Board Member Elections

On November 4th the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce will be holding elections for the 2016 Board of Directors.  Members of the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce can submit a request to run for a Board of Directors position.

The Board of Directors are Chamber members who volunteer their time serving as the governing arm of the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce. Elected by their fellow members during an annual election, Board members serve one year terms, and officers serve a 2 year term, and set the policies and procedures for the Chamber.

Board Members attend monthly Board meetings that are open to our members to attend anytime to discuss policies and set the direction for events, programs and the committee’s accomplishments, as well as setting the short and long-term goals and strategies for the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce.

The qualifications needed to run for elections are to be a business member for six months, and you must have a biography submitted prior to October 1st to Your biography will be posted on our website for members to view prior to elections.

Announcements will be held at the Business of the Year Award dinner on November 10th.